Sheridan, WYO Rodeo
In case you missed it, the much-awaited Sheridan Wyoming Rodeo Parade was July 13-16th, 2022, and it was as fun & as adventrous as always!
The historical event, which had the theme “Holding on to Our Heritage,” dates back to 1931 and has, year after year, welcomed locals and visitors from around the world. Mary Dowling, a 97-year-old supporter of Sheridan WYO Rodeo, served as the parade’s Grand Marshall this summer.
While the parade was the main event, participants enjoyed other highlights, such as the Pancake Breakfast on Grinnell Plaza and the Sneakers and Spurs Fun Run. The annual Pow Wow at Sheridan Inn and Carnival at the Fairgrounds are also among the favorites.
Whether you’re a regular participant or interested in experiencing some of the best rodeo action in the world for the first time in 2023, we hope to see you in the festivities next year.